ICT Questionnaire for School in Grenada 2010

School Name:

Principal Name:

Principal Contact (mobile)

Principal Email: (block letters only)

School Contact:


Does your school have an ICT policy: Yes No

How many computers does you school have for Administrative purpose : With Internet ______ without Internet _______

How many computers does your school have for training/teaching purpose: with internet _____ without internet _________

How many ICT labs does your school have - _____


How many televisions are being used in TV INSTRUCTION?

How many radios are being used in radio instructions?

Which classes use TV assisted instructions – Math, English, Science, Basic Computer skills, Reading, Writing, Arts (Multiples choices, select all as needed)

Which classes use Radio assisted instructions – Math, English, Science, Basic Computer skills, Reading, Writing, Arts (Multiples choices, select all as needed)

Which classes use ICT assisted instructions – Math, English, Science, Basic Computer skills, Reading, Writing, Arts (Multiples choices, select all as needed)


Information on resources in school:

Does your school have electricity –

Does you school have telephone

Does your school have internet access (1 broadband 2 dialup 3wireless

Does you school have a LAN (network )

Does your school get regular ICT support YES NO

If Yes ___________________________( who provides the support)

Does your school have a website _________________________________________________(Please state www.schooladdress.gd)

Does your school have an ICT budget ______________________________(please state the amount per year)


