Time control and management

"Proclaim aloud the Saviour's fame,
Who bears the Breaker's wond'rous name;
Sweet name; and it becomes him well,
Who breaks down earth, sin, death, and hell." ...
Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening - Friday, August 24, 2012,see biblegateway.com

Dear reader,
I begin today August 24 in a very rush way. Let me trace a week for you so that you can align you thought and measure your actions against my own.

I am assigned to another task- one of national importance and relevance for 10 year to come in the life of a small nation.
At present my nation is lagging 2 years behind the world in terms of economical effects, and thus we are feeling the effect of the 2010 - stumbles as hard as it can be.
This is what brought about my several opportunities. You see where a high paid consultant would of been the first thought, it is no longer, since the financial burden is too great for the people and a nation.
Thus my skills got it usage. 
It may have been bad to say this - but it is a great time for local skills to be used, tried and refined. Thanks God for the opportunities that avail themselves amidst the "recessionary period of 2010 to 2012".
