God is the source of Life
The year 2012 is now close to over and we are all wondering what 2013 will herald?
I am inspired to write the words, that 2013 will be the year of creativity !
This upcoming year the world will be exposed more than ever before to newer idea, theories and creative practices will be taken to new heights by the formal education system.
We must of course go back to the bible to see why it is so important to crown this year 2013 a year of creativity.
It was/is the Great God of all thing - seen and unseen - who infused the creativity purpose into man.
God is the source of Creativity
According to the Holy Bible ( and I frankly believe every word), “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” ( Gen. 1:1). Please continue reading the the Chapter found in this book, Genesis.
God is the Source of Energy!
It was God who took the nothing and created - " both matter and energy " see web link reference here
Then took the matter ( out of dust) and created man ( with the additional element that is more than just matter). Man was created both the image and likeness of God and God breathed life into man. Man became a living soul.
Frankly this is an area that I can't comment much on. However, it is just wonder full.
Look at plants and animals - we know that they too have life, but was created from Matter.
"Let there be fishes in the sea".....etc.
But man's body made from dust, but more so it is no dust. It is life because of the spirit that God (the Creator) breathed into Man.
We will find our purpose - our creative way when we get back to the Source of it all. Get back to God.
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