Creativity in Grenada’s Classroom for KG

The Year of Creativity – 2013 – has been taking shape in the Education Sector in the tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Literacy specialist on the island has been developing and enhancing the knowledge base and skills for teachers in the KG and Grade 1 classes.
A creativity style, literacy workshop has been delivered in the form of hands on creative style, localized, relaxed but impressive!

One of the core statements hanging on the walls of the conference room

Please note that with the very limited financial input due to the the global crisis, much of the local resources are being put to use.

"In time of need - we get creative "

So what’s creative about this – The thought process, the consultants and host of the workshop. All Local teachers who were trained under the Literacy project in UWI.  The outputs of the workshop, the attractive work corners for the children in the classroom, being developed for materials and resources that will not cost you a cent more than just your thought and creative way of attracting kids to use the good old  “BOOK” for reading.

I thank the organization – Early Childhood Department for this initiative. 
