Development for small economies is based on collective agreements.

Which is better for you?
"Working for someone? or Working with someone?" - Best way to develop your skills is to help someone develop theirs. Our small state economies are in need of such encouragement today more than yesterday or day before.
In this article I will like to narrow home toward the communities, the local villages, the environment where we lives, play, sleep and sometime curse our neighbors ( and still come back to ask for salt the next days).
Our communities are in need of a special type of support. This support is not foreign aide, or even local government outreach, it is a support that comes directly from the internal strengths within the community.
Ask your self about your local community - In Grenada - the isle of spice - we can say that the normal community will have a cross section of the following:
at least 1 teacher/police/nurse ( or a trained civil servant). Church people and most of all a set of young people who just wait for sun to shine to start playing football or cricket in the local pasture or road ( where ever an empty space can be found).

However this is the classification for the general community population:

  1. people with  lots of ideas but no money to fund it. (50%)
  2. people with the money but to afraid to get broke. (5%)
  3. people who just waiting to support any idea for a little money ( workers) (35%)
  4. people who will just say this "aint go work" ( the onlookers). (10%)
Everyone fits in this - it is simple and clear. 

Notice that most persons have some idea (50%) by the time they are 20 years old, they will either have a good idea of how they are going to support their life or a good idea of how they will not do anything until they somehow get very rich.
The people with the money are the ones who just never have a good idea- evidence from 2006 to 2010 in Grenada demonstrated this when collectively SGL, CapBank and Bico has lost monies of Grenadians in the tune of 420+ million dollars EC.

Now here is the new community: - not an idea community but the traditional community.
1. The one who has the money, happens to buy land. He employed two members who work the land for very low wages, constant supply of vegetables and other things from the land.
2. The guys who has the money, forces the two employees to send their children in school, but ensures the parents get a goat for the young children and a cow for the older ones.
3. The guy who has money - often has a son or two, they don't work the land but they come up with great idea. One told his father, that they should build a wind turbine to pump the water from the near by river to water the plants. The fathers says you are too Lazy.
4. The other members of the community - support the local "shop" they are either sitting there providing new ideas or ensuring that the young ones goes to school.

End of story! Every one supports someone in the idea community. Are you supporting? 
