Unesco-L’Oreal International Fellowships for young Women in Science

Unesco-L’Oreal International Fellowships for young Women in Science 

The L’Oreal Corporate Foundation and Unesco is now offering scholarships to suitably qualified young women who are carrying out research at a doctoral or post-doctoral level in one or allied fields of life sciences including biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and physiology. These fellowships of US $ 40,000 will be granted in 2014. 

Applicants must meet the following general criteria:
• Candidates must be no more than 35 years of age.
• Preference will be given to candidates already possessing at the time of application a PhD degree (or equivalent) in the field of life sciences
• Only candidates with the necessary qualifications, who demonstrate outstanding intellectual promise and personal qualities, will be considered under the programme.
• Candidates must be proficient in reading and writing the language of instruction in the proposed country of study.
• Applicants must be in good health, both physically and mentally.

Completed applications must include the following:

• Detailed Curriculum Vitae, in English or in French
• Certified copies of degrees or diploma (including transcripts of grades) in duplicate
• A list of publications (if any)
• A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the candidates work
• A host institute’s letter of acceptance (i.e. the institute that has accepted the candidate for work should she be selected for a fellowship).
• The certificate of language proficiency ( on UNESCO form)
• Detailed proposal for the research project: one to two pages.

Candidates should submit their applications via the online platform at the following link by May 2nd ,2013: www.fwis.fr and a duplicate to the Human Resource Development Division, Ministry of Education & Human Resource Development, Botanical Gardens, Tanteen, St. George.
