How do you migrate to Skydrive ( Onedrive)

Microsoft Sky drive has been renamed to "ONE DRIVE"  I have no reason to worry about their naming conventions and changes, however, I had to take a look as to the concept behind the name...... and found that it was time to migrate from dropbox to One drive
Yes, migrate but only my documents: Pictures are pictures and dropbox is already my free storage drive, but document are another story.

Over the past 2 years, I have always complained about the issue of editing a document on the fly or in the web browser - such as the collaboration that GDrive from Google provides.  Most of my friends would say well Google drive is better than dropbox because it give you this features to edit document. However, we all know that Microsoft Office has been and may be used in the organisation as the tools to work with documents.

Here comes One drive:
One as to - One space to store your files
One as in -One location to edit your files - that is real time editing within the browser, now downloading etc.
One as in - One  can edit from your MS Office suite using SharePoint technologies, in Word, Excel,etc. and don't even have to worry about saving local copies of the document. ( compare that to dropbox when it is now installed on your PC)

One as in ONE storage and saving location
One as in multi-collaborative interfaces for editing. Online editors don't need work on their PC/MAC/Android just a browser will do.

Office User can use Word, Excel, etc and have full control to see what is taking place and who is doing what in real time.
This is the true collaborative platform - in fact it is so collaborative that you don't even need a Microsoft email account to edit a shared document with full editing permissions. Once we share a document, you can edit all you like - who cares if you are using Gmail or Yahoo or Hotmail or some other email provider. It is true collaborative, integration.

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Skydrive is now One drive. It is the best. Get on board, get you Hotmail or Microsoft account and begin true collaboration.

If you need some help you can always email:
