CPEA 2015 - Grenada a sign of the OECS integration.

According to press release from the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, Grenada. 

The 2015 Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment assigned:
One thousand five hundred and sixty-three (1,563) students were assigned to secondary schools throughout Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

About One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven (1837) students were registered for the assessment but only One thousand eight hundred and thirty-five (1835) sat the exams on Friday 16 May 2015.

Read the Official press release here

Do you need any analytical services for your research on these exams for Grenada. Please contact mychitterman@gmail.com

The table of interest is as follows: 
Age distribution of the participants on the 2015 CPEA 

Data source: Ministry of Education, CPEA Report 2015.

Questions I will like to answer:
1. How did these 4 ten (10) year olds do on this exam. Did they perform better or worst than the 11-year-olds.
2. Given that student  taking the exam should be 11 years of age, why is it that there are so many 12 year olds.

If you think you have interest in any of these questions or you have others, please contact us.
