No need for Digital Strategy, Need for Digital Intergration

According to the Wiki "digital strategy is the process of specifying an organization's vision, goals, opportunities and related activities in order to maximize the business benefits of digital initiatives to the organization."
When you consider the idea of having an organisation/business or even you personal life. You think about fundamentals, which are largely called in today's business terms "Business Process". In my life I call this the daily routine. By the grace of God I wake, bath , eat and start the car. 
In the business sense thing are either more or less complicated. We take stock, we manage inventory, communicate with clients , create sales, etc.  Nothing has changed and nothing will change as fundamentals are fundamentals
I like to talk about my country, Grenada. We have been highly supported of the Agriculture and Tourism industry. The money we made and continue to make come from tourist and Agriculture.
However in recent time, as far back as 2004, there is and had been more and more discussion about the digital economy.
Nutmeg, a local spice to Grenada
The truth is there is no "digital economy" in the Grenadian context.  We are to realism the gift we have been blessed with. Soil, Sun, Rain water, trees, beautiful people and the history of our island.

We are to encourage our local to use digital to replace or compliment existing process that have been working.
Take the example or ( non-example) of flyers and brochures. A small "man" business may have developed and printed 1000 flyers/brochures for his cocoa spice business. He is thinking about promoting.  This cost him about $2500 EC.  He know when these paper flyers are distributed over the course of 1 year. He will either need to spend $2500 to reprint or just do nothing. This guys has a clear process of making cocoa spice balls, he make a fine product and his product taste great. 
Here comes Mr. 2015 with his idea of improving this business. He see that Mr. Cocoa spice Ball could create a digital brochure  or website for the same price of $2500. He explains to that a website can be shared and viewed by many person, many time over 1 year without  a minimum annual cost.

  1. Do not alter your fundamentals because a technology is making promised.  The Internet is great for marketing, but the fundamental is reaching the right client. So think marketing and not digital social media. Digital social network and media may just be one of your avenues to reach your market. Sticking an ad in the popular mags may also be another avenue.
  2. Computer and Technology record management need organisational skills just as the paper filing system. If you don't have organisational skills, get someone who does. Cell phones and computer don't organised thing by them-self, they need you human touch or else "headaches"
  3. Close deals. In traditional business a man would conduct his affairs and stick to meeting deadline and contractual agreements. His No will be No and Yes will be Yes. This is a fundamental. A watsapp conversation should be closed. There is no continuous conversation in life, "we all go to sleep at sometime".
  4. Measuring Progress: we need to learn to measure. Daily, Hourly as much as possible.

"Grenada", "the island", "the State", includes Carriacou, Petite Martinique and the adjacent islands, and all  territorial waters adjacent thereto; CAP 135, Interpretation and General Provision Act, Grenada.
