Insights from the past

Grenada could be holding a referendum in late September or Early October. This is just my opinion. However Dr. Francis Alexis, Key Player in this process things are shaping up. As you might expect, money is a concern. It takes about 750,000 EC to hold the elections. This Referendum has a couple of differences which will eventually be more expensive.
In comparison the general elections allows 1 vote per registered voter, the ref. will allow each voter to vote on 6 to 7 issue.
This means more ballot papers........ or so one might think.

However, one of the biggest cost with this exercise for the island of Grenada is not the ballot paper but the  "Awareness" building campaign, which is more necessary today than 50 or 60 years ago.
I for one, have no clue as to what this referendum is all about, and why we need it. I know that it is something to do with "constitution reform" or something like that but truth be told..... I am not properly informed.
So here is where a large chunk of the budget is to be spent.
From my analysis of normal elections. Regular campaign will run into the 2 or 3 million EC range.
I assume that about 2.5 time this amount will be required for education and awareness building.
My question is where will we get such money - 5 or 6 million ec today is a hard to pick fruit in these tough economic era.

lets watch as the time closes in......

These are just my notes........
