More output,less outcomes

It is now a time of reflection 20 days into the month of 2017. Month Number 2. I have began to feel the need to write my thoughts. If you are read them, then good. If you did not get to read them too bad.
To me at this point and yes, on this day this does not make much sense. It seem that more I get done, the more I lobby and bring the players on board, the less I get as the outcome.

It is a strange and puzzling dilemma. I feel a bit of concern.
It is like saying " Do you believe in 2017 that some persons don't understand that outputs are all we sometimes get's from these service based projects?"

Let's look at a physical construction project. You hit it you plan it, you get it done, you have a building, a road everyone is happy. Yes. This is easy to do because it is just doing physical. Physical things are easy. The hard things are the unseen thing.

We call them the spiritual thing. These are not physical, they are not seen or touched. They are the hardest to get done.

Lets look at the way in which this unfolds.
Some take the way we work in the physical word and with physical works and try to apply it "cut and paste" into these service environments.
You know, I sit here wondering if wood or blocks sitting on each other for the road or house building project, complaints to each other.
"I don't like you sitting on me said block 1 to the new block". Well I am here and there is nothing you can do about me sitting on you" replied new block.

However, this is what happens with service oriented project. They are projects of people not projects of work. They are spiritual, relationship and people, not wood, blocks and stone.

The world is now running on a different dimension altogether. No longer people are flocking to the buildings and roads. They are now looking for answers to their soul delight.

Just remember Freedom is directly proportional and fully dependent on truth.
Without truth there is no freedom.
