Created to serve

My God, the great creator has made me ti offer service on his behalf to those of this world who would decide to not listen and attend to His ways.
Our service in this life is determine by our choices, not a pre-destined or determined path but by free service with love. No compromise to life and respect for all life.
As an apple we have fallen far away from the tree.
We are like those who have strayed far from our calling.
We call on.our savior, son of living God to save us all from our restless straying.
My pray for you this fay is tgat you prosper in life, for in life we have, in death we are sleeping without a desire, even without a dream.
Let us press onward into the path of life, serving the people of our clan, our community, household and country.
We remember that as tought as it may be, the path to peace is not in this world.
We rejoice evermore and praise the most high Jah.
Praise and adoration.
