The Counting of the Omer (Sefirat HaOmer)

The Counting of the Omer (Sefirat HaOmer) – the commandment to count the 49 days (7 sabbaths) from the evening of Passover ( Day starts starts when sun goes down).

49 Days to Sinai (source of image)

The Rules of the Passover:
On the first month
10th Day - Pick a lamb - goat or sheep ( take care of it)
14th day Kill this animal and sprinkle the blood.

Feast of Unleavened Bread will follow the Passover.
14th Days from the evening of the - no yeast in your house.
21st Day - until the evening - no yeast in your house.

Israel -kept the  Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Israel left in a rush sometime after midnight (as the death passed over sometime at midnight and Phero ordered Moses to go, but the people plundered the Egyptians to get gold and silver, then left with their dough in the bowls.)

and then they left in the night, which must be sometime after midnight.

Difficulties for Understanding:
It may be difficult to understand how the leavened bread was done, as scripture says that they did not have time to put the yeast in their dough. (In our culture we normally add everything including the yeast into the mixing bowl) and then mix up.
This is where we need to understand the process of making bread back in the days.
