Literacy - competence or knowledge in a specified area.
The world has moved forward with the development of several layers of technologies that are now plateauing in small and developing economies at rapid rates.
Findings from the World Banks ICT4D Report 2009 has provided evidence that "Broadband contributes to growth and employment and opens up new opportunities" both in the developing and low income economies.
Such progressive steps can be easily understood by the masses, in that, once someone gets the services of the internet, mainly youtube and google, there is a very high chance that these platform will change the way in which one thinks about their personal developmental goals.
As show by the above char, supplied by the WB ICT4D report, 2009, when broadband, that is good fiber infrastructure is laid in a country, connectivity to the internet is best enabled and the a 1.38% points increase in the growth and employment is created as an outcome, it may be a lagged outcome, neither the less such will be observed.
Fast-forward in to 2021, post COVID19 and the realization of the need for Literacy to increate competency in adoption of knowledge is the main concern for small developing economies.
Once may assume that during the period 2009 to present - a full decade - the project lay infrastructure would have been supported by project to enable human usage and consumption of technologies and information delivered via these fiber based technologies.
Naturally there has been some type of development, main "show and tell" - persons have developed high capacity to consume information, advertisements, video and entertainment. Too few have developed the capacity to use these technologies to drive their personal development to the next level.
Today the need for Application literacy is much more a drive that needs to increase.
Significant population has been given the fiber, the 4G,5g and broadband technologies connected to mobile phones , tablets and laptops. However, the productive impact of new information on their development is missing.
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