Work and Creativity - Big Difference from Scripture (v1 - unedited)

 Genesis 3:19 

New International Version
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

A well known scripture, which is generally communicated to the masses that the "God the Almighty"  exclaimed as a sort of curse, when the Man (the Adam and Eve) sinned through direct disobedience to the command of not picking of the tree of "Knowledge of Good and Evil".

We know the story quite well! if not, then go discover this story, through research and discussion. Albeit,  "The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is physical – it made Adam know that he was naked."

At the point where Almighty came seeking for man, in his first lost state, man hid himself. On finding this hidden man, the almighty stated the following: 

"By the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread, until you return to the ground—because out of it were you taken. For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.” King James Bible.

This of course is thought to be the curse on man for his disobedience. In my view I see it as an additional burden that man brought on himself, through his choice. A burden, because man now would have to provide his food through direct intervention with the soil, through direct training of the trees and animals. 
In the past, just before the fall of man. The trees responded direct to man needs without man having to figure it out. The trees produced that which man needed for his FOOD. 
This can get a bit confusing, but think of it as being in a state where a tree knew that you needed some type of specific nutrition, and the tree will ensure that its fruit would provide that to you, even if the fruit a few days ago produced another type of  trace element.
Today, it is different, we have to go looking for several trees and mix our food to get a "Balance diet" - we have to literally and physically work just to stay alive and then we just die, and "return to the dust where we were taken".

Albeit, in the course of man's life while he works for food, through the "sweat of thy brow" it is not all that exist as explained in the scriptures. The scriptures gives a full discourse of a man's life and the ability of man as provided by the Creator.

You see while curses or burden was introduced by man to himself, way before this burden came something else existed and was not taken away - Creative power. 

Creative Power.
Genesis 1:26 declares that God created man in His image. Being made in the "image" or "likeness" of God means that He made us to resemble Him.
A deep look into this scripture, revealed that man was given that which he creator has. Creative Power is the first a clearest evidence that is provided about the image of the Almighty. 
When we look into the scriptures, the first picture that we can envisage is that of creator, a builder, an architect. If we only had just the few scriptural text as the only evidence of our father, then we may have only concluded that he is the character of a "Creative Personality" , it is only later in scripture we begin to see how loving our Father is , but at first we see him as the great creator. In fact at the beginning to the end he is the greatest and only true creator, who we MUST Worship.
Revelation 14:7 "He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."

Thus, a man or woman, we are created with an innate tendency, as our creator, to be creative power and create and this is the truth of a man's life. A man would need to create in his short life, while he is burden to also "sweat to eat bread". Creative power is given to all man and this is where they obtain the joys of life, and in turn they praise their father because they connect with him.  Man must not be confused with creative power and creative work as compared to the burden of life.

Burden of Life ( Work to eat)
Burden of Life is what you do to make your ends meet to put food on your table and into your mouth. For it is our doing that we disobeyed and we brought the curses of sweating to eat bread!
However, we don't need to sweat 24/7 to get the bread. During the time we are "free" from this work we need to be who we are, we need to become who we are, the creative image that we represent need to be the focus, to do that which we need to do or what we were created to do. 
Today, man is waking up by the spirit of the father to be creative power, the speed of creation now called, innovation has been on a rapid rise. No man can do what you have to do in this world. If you are alive now, please say your prayer, ask, the father why you are here and he will point to your the reason for your existence. You will create that which you were created to do!
Trust and Pray and let your powers create that which does not exist to his  service and the service of others.

In summary " by the sweat of thy brow" you eat. However, your creative powers exist to be used to create something new in this world.

Creative Power was first, Sweating to feed one self came after.
It was meant to be that a man should be creating, as his food/ daily meals were already given and highly available. However, after we disobeyed, the tables  turned. Man today, finds himself seeking to put food on the table, and the little leftover time, he spend doing his life work.

Please find time to do your life work, it is what brings you the Joys even in this fallen state. For he said that "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded from the mouth of God"

God Bless.
