Taken from Chris Cured Cancer - but very good lessons for my life.

 And I realized that God had answered my prayer. I had asked for another way and He had given me one. There were two paths before me, and I had to choose one.

To my left, was a wide, brightly lit road leading to a modern train station where everyone was boarding a beautiful, comfortable, state-of-the-art express train—the chemo train.

You aren’t sick because you have cancer—you have cancer because you are sick.

Quite and interesting statement, i thought as i read this book... by now after almost 5 week i began to start observing a number of thing about my system.  My digestive health was not quite as i would like it, i felt bloated after eating, and not a lot but just bloating came about. 

So  I began to branch into awareness and discover about the issue and related causes. Thus not i start reading about liver and liver fatty liver issue and how to deal with this. This is all self diagnosis!

Can my liver be no adequately functioning at this point in my life. After all I may say that I DONT CONSUME the alcohol, but here is what I immediately learn... 

There are several other video on youtube but I was already subscribe to Dr. Dr. Eric Berg DC

To here I am trying to self discover if i may have some related liver issue... and his has some idea. So My diversion will be to try to follow some of the following these things, as in the video. including getting a set of choline supplement

I am going to hit the intermittent fasting, next week will be a full week fast for me. I will go out after this weekend into fasting mode, I will like to at least monitor my condition today 10/10/2020 Sunday to see if i am still have stomach burning issue and then will go back into the process fasting.. can start tonight and run into Monday 11/10/2020, Tuesday 12/10/2020 and Wen 13/10/2020.

Determination is doing what you know needs to be done, whether or not you feel like it at the time.
