Solving a Problem - But what is the problem. (INNOVATION LACKS IN GRENADA)

At what age does a young man, begin to start looking for an opportunity?

Should a young man really look (seek out)  an opportunity or sit and wait on God?

Does God hand out opportunities with titles or provide doors, that we can open at our desire?

Many questions are in my head about the direction of the youthful population of my nation. Grenada has about 60% of it population being less than 30 years of age. About 40,000 persons are less than 20 year of age. Such a youthful population should mean, growth, life, creativity, diversity and inventions. These are however all too few on this lovely island. Innovation seem to be with older folks, and few that are well know.
I can recall the Nutmeg Oil... Chocolate factory of Grenada and let me think about the other. Cane Juice man (Mapson), and just a few other.

The bible tells us to "Remember the Creator now in the days of they Youth".
"Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say"......Eccl. 12:1

Looking at this scripture a few year ago, I would think that this is a scriptural warning to my youthfulness, advocating that in my doings of life, my jumping up, my running about and all my doings that I put some memory of the great Creator in my life and recall that he is God. and God is the Saviour of the Human Race and Sole provider of all that one has - life and life.
However, the past 10 years of life has taken a turn of concepts. Thus A new focus is placed on this text. "Remember you Creator" .
Lets us consider this text given that God, Our Father, Our Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords has more titles than we can imagine. The text clearly identified God as "Creator". I can also recall that the bible uses this important name for God in the Commandments.
When it said 
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
This is called the 4th Commandment.

So when it come to God being the Creator the word "Remember" is often used with this.

Where am i going with this. Well I am not going, because the scripture is pretty clear, we aught to "Remember the Creator" in the day of our Youth.

Reason to remember the Creator.
Of course the scriptures could of said "Remember the saviour, in the day of they youth" Or "Remember God in the days of they youth". But it said Creator. Why not consider this for our Youthful life.
If God's Word speaks to us, the we should respond. 

What does the creator do:
The creative aspect of God is found clearly in Gen. 1, 2  as evidence of what the great creator does.
Of course we see the creator doing much more magnificent thing as a man (Jesus) when he was on earth. ( turning water into wine, healing the sick, even raising the dead).

If God is telling me to Remember the Creator when I am young, it means that God is saying to me that I should seriously open my eyes to his power to "do and make" and mind you. Do and make from what available at the point in time.
God made me in his image and likeness, He has made us all in that way, we may think that we cannot do/create and this is where we first start "mis-trusting " God. This is where we start being in "darkness" and of course darkness has no light.
God is calling for Youths to do and create! It takes one who is a tune to God to perform a creative work.
Thus God already provided many doors - yes they are CLOSED doors, closed because one has to trust that whatever is behind the door is worth a try... and if you don't like what you find behind door one, there are so many more.
You can just spend your life opening God's Doors of opportunities.
Please take some time to do this.
God Bless to my nation
